

Decorator to handle the required loading/unloading of binary data.


The @handle_binary decorator must be used in conjunction with the @handle_klio decorator. As well, @handle_binary must also be applied after @handle_klio.

Example usage:

class MelSpectrogram(beam.DoFn):
    def process(self, item):
            f"Generating specgram for {item.element}"
        audio = item.payload
        yield librosa.feature.melspectrogram(y=audio, sr=22050)

def save_plt_as_png(ctx, item):
    fig = item.payload
    output = os.path.join(".", item.element.decode("utf-8") + ".png")
    plt.savefig(output, format="png", transparent=True, pad_inches=0)"Saved spectrogram: {output}")
    return output

class DownloadAudio(beam.DoFn):
    def setup(self):
        self.client = SomeClient()

    @handle_binary(skip_load=True, save_with_numpy=True)
    def process(self, item):"Downloading {item.element}")
        filename = item.payload.decode("utf-8")
        location =[0].location
        source_path = os.path.join(location, filename)
        with, "rb") as source:
            out = io.BytesIO("Downloaded {item.element} to memory")
        yield out
  • skip_load (bool) – Skip loading the KlioMessage payload via pickle. Set this to True if the incoming KlioMessage payload is not binary data, or otherwise has not been pickled to bytes. Default: False

  • skip_dump (bool) – Skip dumping the KlioMessage payload via pickle. Set this to True if the outgoing KlioMessage payload is not binary data, or otherwise should not be pickled to bytes. Default: False

  • load_with_numpy (bool) – Use numpy.load() instead of pickle.loads() to load arrays or pickled numpy objects. This is less performant than standard pickling, but uses less memory. Default: False.

  • save_with_numpy (bool) – Use instead of pickle.dumps() to save arrays as bytes. This is less performant than standard pickling, but uses less memory. Default: False