Beam Pipeline Options


These are just some commonly-used options, but any option that Beam & Dataflow support are also supported here. More information can be found in the official Beam docs.

pipeline_options.autoscaling_algorithm STR

Algorithm in which to scale your job. See Dataflow’s autoscaling documentation for more info.

Default: NONE
Runner: Dataflow
pipeline_options.disk_size_gb INT

Configure the amount of available storage for a worker running on Dataflow.

Default: 32
Runner: Dataflow
pipeline_options.experiments[] LIST(STR)

Flags that enable Beam to run experimental features.

Set this value to an empty list if the default values are not needed.

Default: enable_stackdriver_agent_metrics, beam_fn_api.
Runner: Dataflow


Experiments are correlated to specific runners. Valid experiment values for the Dataflow runner can be found in their documentation (not limited to that linked page).

pipeline_options.max_num_workers INT

Configure the maximum number of workers that will try to run your job at any given time on Dataflow.

Default: 2
Runner: Dataflow


Only relevant when pipeline_options.autoscaling_algorithm is not NONE.

pipeline_options.num_workers INT

The number of workers that your job will run on Dataflow.

Default: 2
Runner: Dataflow
pipeline_options.project STR

GCP project within which this job will be run.

Runner: Dataflow (Required)

pipeline_options.region STR

GCP region where this job will be run on Dataflow (supported regions).

Default: europe-west1.
Runner: Dataflow
pipeline_options.runner STR

Specify which runner should be used to execute the job.

Options: DirectRunner, DataflowRunner
Default: DataflowRunner
pipeline_options.setup_file STR

Path to file relative to a Klio job’s file.

Runner: Dataflow


This configuration attribute is mutually exclusive with the beam_fn_api experiment.

pipeline_options.staging_location STR

A Cloud Storage path for Cloud Dataflow to stage code packages needed by workers executing the job. Must be a valid Cloud Storage URL, beginning with gs://.

If not set, defaults to a staging directory within temp_location. At least one of temp_location or staging_location must be specified.

Runner: Dataflow


The commands klio job create and klio job verify --create-resources will create this bucket for you.

pipeline_options.streaming BOOL

If True, the pipeline reads from an unbounded source (a.k.a. Pub/Sub) and will always be “up”; a streaming job will process data from a source and will continue working until it is shut down. If False, it designates the job as a batch job.

Default: True.
pipeline_options.temp_location STR

A Cloud Storage path for Cloud Dataflow to stage temporary job files created during the execution of the pipeline. Must be a valid Cloud Storage URL, beginning with gs://.

If not set, defaults to a staging directory within staging_location. At least one of temp_location or staging_location must be specified.

Runner: Dataflow


The commands klio job create and klio job verify --create-resources will create this bucket for you.

pipeline_options.worker_harness_container_image STR

Regardless of the configured runner, Klio will build an image and tag it with the configured value set here.

For all runners, Klio uses this image as the “driver” of a pipeline (i.e. to start/launch the pipeline).

When running a pipeline with DirectRunner, the entire execution model (the “runner” and the “worker”) runs within this image as well. Essentially the driver, runner, and worker all run on one container.

With Dataflow, the workers (synonymous with “instance” or “host”) will download the image from Google Container Registry (GCR) to then use as the runtime environment for the pipeline’s transforms. Each worker will then run as many containers as configured (default is equal to the number of the workers’s CPUs).

Runner: Dataflow, Direct (Required)


When using Dataflow, the name of the image must be a URI for Google Container Registry.

For example:


Image version tags may be included here (e.g. my-klio-job-image:v1) but by default, Klio takes care of these image tags via the klio-cli when uploading and deploying.

pipeline_options.worker_disk_type STR

Configure the disk type for a worker running on Dataflow.

Options: pd-standard, pd-ssd, local-ssd
Default: pd-standard
Runner: Dataflow
pipeline_options.worker_machine_type STR

Configure the worker type for a worker running on Dataflow. See available machine types.

Default: n1-standard-2
Runner: Dataflow