
Klio Message

A Klio Message is protobuf data that is passed between transforms and represents a unit of work to be done by the transform. It carries an element value that serves as a reference to the data that is accessed during a transform in a pipeline. The Klio message also carries other data fields such as whether a message is in ping mode and should not be processed in a transform and whether a message should be force processed despite output already existing.

Run function

The run function is the main entrypoint to run a job’s transform(s). It contains the overall process of the pipeline, laying out the transforms that the klio messages will pass through during the pipeline. The second input is a reference to the Klio job config object with fields defined in the klio-job.yaml. The run function is defined in the run.py file. The inputs to the run function are an input PCollection that is returned by Klio transforms that will read in data depending on the type specified in the event config.

# run.py file

import apache_beam as beam

import transforms

def run(input_pcol, config):
    output_pcol = input_pcol | beam.ParDo(transforms.MyKlioTransform())
    return output_pcol

A run function can contain a single or multiple transforms. All transforms are based on beam transforms but transforms can be extended to add customized logic. Klio also provides built-in transforms to aid with existence checks, data loading etc.


Transforms hold the logic involved in processing data.They receive a Klio Message, perform some logic,and yield the Klio message to the next transform of the pipeline. Transforms are typically defined in a transforms.py file then imported into the run.py file for use in the pipeline.

Below is an example of a transform that inherits from Beam’s DoFn.

# transforms.py

import apache_beam as beam

class MyPlainTransform(beam.DoFn):
    def setup(self):
        # Some setup logic here
        self.audio_downloader = SomeAudioDownloader()

    def process(self, item):
        # <!-- snip -->

        yield item

Klio enhances Beam by offering decorators that can be imported from klio.transforms then used then decorating methods on transforms to make use of functionalities such as the examples below.

# transforms.py

import apache_beam as beam

from klio.transforms import decorators

class MyKliofiedTransform(beam.DoFn):
    def setup(self):
        self.inputs = self._klio.job_config.inputs

    def process(self, item):
        entity_id = item.element.decode("utf-8")
            "Pocessing entity with ID %s" % (entity_id)

        # some other logic
        yield item

Custom transforms can be imported and used in the run.py to put together the pipeline.

# run.py file

import apache_beam as beam

import transforms

def run(input_pcol, config):
    output_pcol = input_pcol | beam.ParDo(transforms.MyKliofiedTransform())
    return output_pcol

Klio also offers composite built-in transforms that can be used directly in the run.py function.