
Helper Transforms

Helper transforms aid existence checks, ping mode, and force re-generating output. These transforms can be imported from klio.transforms.helpers. Many are used by default in a Klio pipeline.

Built-in Transforms

Built-in transforms are used by default in a Klio pipeline, but can be turned off if needed. See below for an flow diagram of how these built-in transforms are used in a pipeline.

Data Existence Checks

For data IO types of gcs, Klio will perform the input existence check for you. Data input and output existence checks are configured by the existence check. These two configuration field default to False and will therefore conduct transforms KlioGcsCheckInputExists and KlioGcsCheckOutputExists automatically. If custom data existence checks are preferred then these fields should be set to True.

KlioGcsCheckInputExists and KlioGcsCheckOutputExists work by inspecting data configuration for the fields for data locations|out)puts[].location and file suffix|out)puts[].file_suffix. For example, if we have an element that represents a track ID f00b4r, Klio would inspect the existence of the path: gs://foo-proj-input/ example-streaming-parent-job-output/f00b4r.ogg.


KlioGcsCheckInputExists is a Composite Transform to check the input data existence in GCS. The transform utilizes Tagged Outputs to label output as either as not_found or found.

class MyFilterInput(beam.PTransform):
    """Composite transform to filter input data"""

    def expand(self, pcoll):

        # Check if input data exists
        input_data = pcoll | "Input Exists Filter" >> KlioGcsCheckInputExists()

        # Do something with the data that does not exist
        _ = input_data.not_found | "Not Found Data Transform" >> MyTransform()

        # Do something with the data does exist
        return input_data.found

KlioGcsCheckOutputExists is a Composite Transform to check the output exists in GCS. The transform utilizes Tagged Outputs to label output as either not_found or found.

class MyGcsFilterOutput(beam.PTransform):
    """Composite transform to filter output data."""

    def expand(self, pcoll):
        # Check if output data exists
        output_exists = pcoll | "Output Exists Filter" >> KlioGcsCheckOutputExists()

        # Do something with output data that is found
        to_filter = output_exists.found | "Transform Found Data" >> MyTransformAlreadyFound()

        # Do something with the output data that is not found
        to_process = output_exists.not_found | "Data Not Found" >> MyTransformNotFound()

Data Filtering


KlioFilterPing is a Composite Transform to tag outputs if in ping mode or not. The transform utilizes Tagged Outputs to label output as either pass_thru or process.

class MyGcsFilterToProcess(beam.PTransform):
    """Composite transform to filter PCollections for processing"""

    def expand(self, pcoll):
        ping_pcoll = pcoll | "Ping Filter" >> KlioFilterPing()

        # handle any items that should just be sent to output directly
        _ = ping_pcoll.pass_thru | "Passthru Ping" >> MyPassThruTransform()

        out_pcoll = ping_pcoll.process | "Process Data" >> MyPrcessTransform()

KlioFilterForce is a Composite Transform to filter if existing output should be force-processed. The transform will look at a job’s configuration for whether or not there is a global (pipeline-wide) forcing of messages with already-existing output. It will first inspect whether a message has an explicit True or False set for force processing. If force mode is not set, then KlioFilterForce will inspect the pipeline configuration. The default is False. The KlioFilterForce transform uses utilizes Tagged Outputs to label output as either pass_thru or``process``.

class KlioGcsFilterOutput(beam.PTransform):
    """Klio composite transform to filter output data.

    def expand(self, pcoll):
        # Check if output data exists
        output_exists = pcoll | "Output Exists Filter" >> KlioGcsCheckOutputExists()

        # Filter if existing output should be force-processed
        output_force = output_exists.found | "Force Filter" >> KlioFilterForce()

        # handle any items that should just be sent to output directly
        _ = output_force.pass_thru | "Passthru Found Output" >> KlioWriteToEventOutput()

        # Handle items that should be force processed
        to_process = (output_exists.not_found, output_force.process)

Other Built-in Transforms


KlioUpdateAuditLog is a Composite Transform that will update the audit log in the metadata of a KlioMessage with the current job’s KlioJob.


This transform is automatically called unless the event input is configured to be skipped.

IO Helper Transforms


KlioTriggerUpstream is a Composite Transform that will trigger an upstream streaming job. This is particularly useful when input data does not exist.


Klio does not automatically trigger upstream jobs if input data does not exist. It must be used manually within a job’s pipeline definition (in


By default, Klio handles the input data existence check and only provides the run function in a PCollection with KlioMessages of input data that has been found. In order to also have access to input not found, that default input data existence check must be turned off by setting skip_klio_existence_check to True. Then the input existence check must be invoked manually. See example and klio-job.yaml files below.

# Example
import apache_beam as beam
from klio.transforms import helpers
import transforms

def run(input_pcol, config):
    # use the default helper transform to do the default input check
    # in order to access the output tagged with `not_found`
    input_data = input_pcol | helpers.KlioGcsCheckInputExists()

    # Pipe the input data that was not found (using Tagged Outputs)
    # into `KlioTriggerUpstream` in order to update the KlioMessage
    # metadata, log it, then publish to upstream's
    _ = input_data.not_found | helpers.KlioTriggerUpstream(

    # pipe the found input pcollection into other transform(s) as needed
    output_pcol = input_data.found | beam.ParDo(MyTransform())
    return output_pcol
# Example klio-job.yaml
version: 2
job_name: my-job
  project: my-gcp-project
  # `KlioTriggerUpstream` only supports streaming jobs
  streaming: True
  # <-- snip -->
      - type: pubsub
        topic: projects/my-gcp-project/topics/upstream-topic-output
        subscription: projects/my-gcp-project/subscriptions/my-job-input
    # <-- snip -->
      - type: gcs
        location: gs://my-gcp-project/upstream-output-data
        file_suffix: .ogg
        # Be sure to skip Klio's default input existence check in
        # order to access the input data that was not found.
        skip_klio_existence_check: True


KlioWriteToEventOutput is a Composite Transform to write to the configured event output. The transform is currently available for writing to file types and pubsub types.

class KlioGcsFilterOutput(beam.PTransform):
    """Klio composite transform to filter output data."""

    def expand(self, pcoll):
        # Check if output data exists
        output_exists = pcoll | "Output Exists Filter" >> KlioGcsCheckOutputExists()

        # Filter if existing output should be force-processed
        output_force = output_exists.found | "Force Filter" >> KlioFilterForce()

        # Handle items that should be sent directly to output
        _ = output_force.pass_thru | "Passthru Found Output" >> KlioWriteToEventOutput()


KlioDrop is a Composite Transform that will simply log and drop a KlioMessage.

class KlioGcsFilterInput(beam.PTransform):
    """Klio composite transform to drop input data that is not found

    def expand(self, pcoll):
        # Check if input data exists
        input_data = pcoll | "Input Exists Filter" >> KlioGcsCheckInputExists()

        # Drop the KlioMessage if data does not exist
        _ = input_data.not_found | "Drop Not Found Data" >> KlioDrop()

        # Do something with the found input data
        return input_data.found

Debugging Transforms


KlioDebugMessage is a Composite Transform that will log a KlioMessage at the given point in a pipeline. It can be used any number of times within a transform.

from klio.transforms import helpers

def run(in_pcol, config):
    return (
        | "1st debug" >> helpers.KlioDebugMessage()
        | MyTransform()
        | "2nd debug" >> helpers.KlioDebugMessage(prefix="[MyTransform Output]")
        | MyOtherTransform()
        | "3rd debug" >> helpers.KlioDebugMessage(
            prefix="[MyOtherTransform Output]", log_level="ERROR"


KlioSetTrace is a Composite Transform that will insert a trace point (via pdb.set_trace()) at a given point in a pipeline.

from klio.transforms import helpers

def run(in_pcol, config):
    return in_pcol | helpers.KlioSetTrace() | MyTransform()

Custom Data Existence Checks

Klio by default handles these input and output existence checks. However Klio can also be configured to skip these checks if custom control is desired.

To add custom checks, define a new transform that will hold custom existence checking logic.

# file

import apache_beam as beam

class MyCustomInputExistenceDoFn(beam.DoFn):

    def process():

The built-in Klio existence checks make use of Beam’s Tagged Outputs to output multiple PCollections from a single transform or “tag” values with helpful labels for use in the pipeline.

# file

import apache_beam as beam

from apache_beam import pvalue

class CustomDataExistState(enum.Enum):

    # Note these values can be anything - not limited to (not) found tags
    FOUND = "found"
    NOT_FOUND = "not_found"

class MyCustomInputExistenceDoFn(beam.DoFn):

    def process(kmsg):

        item =

        item_exists = #  Do some custom logic here

        state = CustomDataExistState.FOUND
        if not item_exists:
            state = CustomDataExistState.not_found

        yield pvalue.TaggedOutput(state.value, kmsg.SerializeToString())

The custom existence check transform can then be imported and used as part of a composite transform:

# file

from transforms import MyCustomInputExistenceDoFn

class MyCompositeTransform(beam.PTransform):
    """Klio composite transform to drop input data that is not found

    def expand(self, pcoll):
        # Check if input data exists
        input_data = pcoll | "Custom Input Exists Filter" >> MyCustomInputExistenceDoFn()

        # Drop the KlioMessage if data does not exist
        _ = input_data.not_found | "Drop Not Found Data" >> KlioDrop()

        # Do something with the found input data
        return input_data.found

The composite transform can then be imported into the rest of the pipeline in the file.

# file

from transforms import MyCompositeTransform

def run(in_pcol, config):

    out_pcol = in_pcol | MyCompositeTransform()

    return out_pcol

Pipeline Using Built-ins

The diagram below shows the transforms that are invoked behind the scenes in every Klio pipeline. By setting the values skip_klio_read, skip_klio_write, and/or skip_klio_existence_check in a job’s klio-job.yaml, these transforms can be enabled or disabled.

Diagram of a Klio pipeline with included built-in transforms

Please see the thumbnails below for a visual explanation of how each configuration variable impacts each transform.