Message StateΒΆ

State can be passed from one transform to the next within a pipeline using the data.payload (bytes) attribute. What one transform yields/returns will turn into the data.payload value for the next transform, with three exceptions:

  1. the yielded/returned value is equal to the data argument given to the transform;

  2. the yielded/returned value is None; or

  3. the transform raises an exception, therefore dropping the message.

An illustrative example:

import json
import apache_beam as beam
from klio.transforms import decorators

class GutenTagKlio(beam.DoFn):
    # This example will call some client (e.g. a database)
    # and passes the response to the next transform
    def process(self, data):
        element = data.element.decode("utf-8")"Received element: {element}")
        # <-- some logic -->

        response = self.some_client.query(element)
        yield response

def filter_response(ctx, data):
    # Example that filters out KlioMessages according to the
    # message's payload (using the response data from GutenTagKlio)

    element = data.element.decode("utf-8")"Received element: {element}")

    response = data.payload.decode("utf-8")
    foo_resp_data = response.get("foo")

    # Only return an element of a PCollection that has the desired
    # response data needed
    if foo_resp_data:
        # Return value should be bytes or a str.
        foo_resp_str = json.dumps(foo_resp_data)
        return foo_resp_str.encode("utf-8")

    # For messages that do not have "foo_resp_data", they will get
    # silently dropped by Klio/Beam with an (implicit or explicit)
    # `return None`, so you may want to log any messages that were
    # filtered out for your own maintenance needs.
        f"Dropping {element} because no 'foo' in response data"

class PrivetKlio(beam.DoFn):
    # Continue to process any message that had "foo" in the response
    # data (and will be available in the message payload).
    def process(self, data):
        element = data.element.decode("utf-8")"Received element: {element}")

        foo_resp = data.payload.decode("utf-8")
        foo_resp_data = json.loads(foo_resp)

        # <-- logic -->

        # Yielding (or if a transform function, returning) `None`
        # or an object that is equal to `data` argument given to
        # this process method will actually clear out the
        # message's payload for the next transform.
        # If the next transform needs the same payload data, then
        # explicitly yield/return the same payload data (in this
        # case, `data.payload`).
        yield data